About Natalie
I AM Natalie. A soul-led pioneer. A forever rebel and student. A wild woman of colour. A humbled Phoenix. I value vulnerability and softness, integrity and intentionality, conscious and harmonious relationships. My journey involves the submergence in the realm of alchemy, energy medicine, mysticism, decolonization, surrender, trust, ceremony, and celebration. I am a visionary, a portal to the New, a commUNITY creator, a seer under a blanket of stars. I'm not one individual, I am a bright and burning flame illuminated by my gurus, teachers, and ancestors. I have a gift of calling in the intuitives, leaders, healers, medicine men and women to further root, remember, rise. To creative passageways towards freedom and sovereignty from oppressive social systems, and weave their unique threads into a cosmic tapestry of oneness.
I was attuned in reiki and pranic healing at the age of 13, studying from my Guru, Sri Vasudeva, in an ashram in Trinidad, WI. I earned my Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Philosophy and English and my Bachelor of Education in 2007 from York University. I also hold a Masters Degree in Education from York University in 2010, where I studied the educational practice and philosophy of the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education. I am a strong believer in providing education for the whole person rather than a fragmented self. I am a Certified Educator in Ontario and have been employed with the York Catholic District School Board since 2007, with experience teaching Kindergarten, Elementary and High School. Upon becoming a mother in 2013, I consciously chose homeschooling for her own children to create and shape an educational experience that allows for her to work in a way that is not linear and academic, but one that involves freedom, fluidity, and flow. I have since practiced Waldorf-inspired homeschooling during my children’s formative years.
My passion is in community development, and I have a knack for networking, and connecting kindred soul families. In 2016, I began hosting a weekly Parent and Child Nature Group in a Conservation Area in the GTA, and monthly Women's Circles, which have since expanded into the creation of numerous resources for both parents and children to enrich their unschooling and personal life journey. To date, I have connected hundreds of families to develop learning co-operative groups throughout the GTA. In 2020, I took the next step in my vision and opened an alternative education Forest School, a place for play, mindfulness, discovery, love and whole child expansion. In 2021, we moved to our sacred land, hosting Artisan Markets and Love Festivals. To date, I have connected and inspired hundreds to create their own homeschooling pods, schools, circles, and little villages throughout the GTA. I'm coded to activate your hOMe frequency to birth the New Earth through your heart. The ripple effect is strong, and I am forever bowing down in gratitude.
I am the catalyst and portal for spiritual expansion and deep change. Presence is my power, and I activate and awaken others to remember their wholeness, embody their Higher Self, and live out their Soul’s purpose I am here to shine and assist in the dismantling and collapse all of what we have been told is right and true, and re-design life allowing for more freedom, love, self-sovereignty, and harmony. I continue to make waves in both alternative education and beyond, continuously connecting and bridging pathways for Soul empowerment and freedom. My family and I are incredibly grateful for our sacred land and Gaia's nourishment, which has blossomed into a little intentional commUNITY that allows for greater freedom, sovereignty, right relations, and harmony. Here, heaven is created in the here and now. May we continue to redesign the way we live and learn to offer more freedom and expansion.
You’ll find me immersed in being the change I wish to see, enjoying the journey of re-designing life experience, curled up with a cup of dandelion root tea writing my book, and creating space for others to deepen their connection to Self, Source, and others.

“Do you want to know what your purpose is?
Be YOU, in the most expanded way.”
Franco DeNicola
What the Community is Saying
"Thank you for YOU. I was just thinking today how you put yourself out there and plan and coordinate, and we just get to show up and enjoy the fruits of your labour. I just want you to know how grateful I am for you because I couldn’t even imagine how to begin doing what you do. In my short four years of homeschooling, I haven’t seen anyone accomplish what you have. I constantly hear people complain about how nobody ever ‘shows up.’ But somehow when you build it, they come. You have a gift for bringing people together, in a way few people do. I feel so lucky that I have crossed paths with you and my Soul gets to share this dance with yours. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you are creating." AM
"The Women's Circle was nothing short of absolutely beautiful and amazing. I feel blessed to be in your presence. It speaks volumes about your beautiful Soul that this Circle was full of amazing and strong women, with so much substance in so many diverse ways. My Soul was ignited exactly as I needed right then and there, to serve me each day from here on our. I am ALL IN. The circle was a confirmation of my readiness to live. To experience each moment again and to find peace and unity in body, Soul, mind. I thank you so much for opening this sacred space to me." AB
"You're a pioneer and visionary for New Earth. You have led so many women toward their own divinity and power." RT
"It's because of you that I have found so much joy in homeschooling my children. The passion you put into creating the most amazing spaces and opportunities for children to learn and grow and for parents to find passion and confidence in their journey is immeasurable. The support you provide to the women in the community with your women's circles and other amazing offerings is like no other. You continuously serve others so much. Thank you for all you do!" IA
“Love the Parent and Child Nature Group so much, it’s become an integral part of our week and something we all look forward to very much. Thank you for all that you do, I have learned so much from you! We are all so grateful to you for being a leader in our community and beginning something magical that will only grow and evolve into our wildest dreams. Thank you for your support and inspiration leading the way to creating the New Earth. Your home is so magical and we love the vibe of it all. You are a light warrior and we feel so blessed to share these experiences with you on this journey together. You are one incredible being and I am very honoured to be your friend, your soul shines so much light and the sparkles are felt long after too. A is so happy and full of love which makes my heart explode with joy!” LB
“The Women's Circle was INCREDIBLE! The session was so powerful, my body was vibrating and messages were flowing through. I must say, I struggle to meditate and I NEED to do so more often, but your session was by far the very best and most beneficial I’ve experienced to date.” NH
“My daughter has been happy and calm since she started the New Earth Forest School. She was completely the opposite last year in Kindergarten. She feels comfortable and safe in a smaller group and loves each of you so much! She often says, Ms. Natalie is a great chef!’ Thank you so much for your support!” KM
"Today was exactly what my Soul has been craving: connection, light activation, community support, sisterhood. Thank you, I am so grateful for you. I see you, I honour you. I truly saw so much light, I felt so connected to my guides. Your light language feels like home to me. Afterward, I felt a lightness to my being I have not felt in a long time. Felt excited to create. Like the pressure was gone, I could just BE." AL
“The New Earth Forest School experience is the greatest gift for my daughter and us as a family. I love the art activities so much, the way you integrate nature and spirituality into arts and activites is just so special. I’ve learned so much from you and am so grateful for these teachings. I see her growing so much and I’ve noticed such positive shifts in her. She feels safe and I can tell how much she loves and appreciates you and the other children. The way she interacts with her little sister has also changed in a more gentle and accepting way.” LB

Welcome hOMe
A magical fairy tale landscape set in the tranquil countryside, just an hour from exciting Toronto. Surrounded by lush gardens, willow trees and crystalline waters, The New Earth Village is an enchanting oasis of sacred space for community, consciousness, connection and collaboration to grow.
Looking for a private and secluded retreat space to host your own workshop or special event, or a lush landscape setting for your engagement or family photos? The New Earth Village offers a magical and sacred space for you to ground, gather, and come hOMe to yourself.