Love Festivals and Artisan Markets 2024
All of this is only possible with your sacred presence. Thank you to everyone who contributes their heart and love to co-creating commUNITY. You blow me away with your unique expressions, your love, your voices,
your gifts, your medicines, and creations! You are so precious to me,
and I have full reverence and appreciation for the journey of transformation.
Ready to co-create this Summer 2024? See below for the
for Love Fest on August 18th 2024.
To purchase tickets please email: thenewearthvillage@gmail.com

W. hat the Community is Saying
“To put into words how I feel is absolutely challenging right now. Today was such a beautiful experience, and I was absolutely honoured to be a part of it. Natalie, you are an absolute blessing from the Universe and I am ever so honoured to have crossed your path and look forward to growing our relationship. It is safe to say we definitely met for a reason. The amount of gratitude I feel is completely unexplainable. Magic really is real. Shoutout to everyone who supported me today, to all of the amazing people I met and connected with. The connections and conversations today were beyond priceless. What a beautiful way to end the week, and really setting a tone for another beautiful week to begin!” KC
"The festival was exactly what I needed to re-align with my true self and return to my childlike joy and playfulness after some emotionally turbulent weeks. In total transparency, it brought up feelings I've only ever felt after a plant medicine journey or while travelling solo, experiencing so many synchronicities and feeling a deep connection to my inner being. The land, the people, the offerings - everything and everyone co-created such a beautiful experience. I've noticed a significant shift in my being since this event and I thank you endlessly for holding space (both physically and energetically). Thank you for being you." LL
"Sunday was one of the most magical days of my life. I will truly never forget this moment. I have been feeling so playful since Sunday! Yet, I am feeling very clear in the parts of myself that are craving more love, space holding, connection and healing. What a beautiful activation Sunday was. Thank you from my entire being! My entire family saw how bright I was vibrating after Sunday's events. I am still feeling all of the love and light from the festival. Thank you for seeing me, for building this heart-centred community. Thank you for being you and for the beautiful and powerful look you gave me. What an honour it was to be there on Sunday. I feel activated. I feel safe. I feel me." AL
“Wow Natalie! What a day yesterday was! A day I didn’t even know I needed and missed so much! A day where we got to spend with likeminded people, where laughs and smiles were being shared and so so much positivity! It really fed my Soul and reinstated my trust in humanity, and showed me that all is well indeed! I loved seeing everyone mingle and enjoy themselves. I loved seeing the children interact, smile, and dance! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We as a family, feel truly blessed to be a part of such a community! And you are the glue! Love you.” IG